Post-Op Excuses

“Mom, why are you still wearing that shirt?”

I glanced down at my purple zip-front shirt, wondering how many days it had been since I put it on. It must have been a while ago if my normally unobservant 12-year-old son noticed.

“Well, I don’t have very many button or zip shirts I can wear,” I rebutted. “And taking a shower is kind of hard, so…”

As I trailed off, I decided it is time to start doing regular things on a regular basis again. It’s been ten days since my surgery and I’ve taken two showers. Tomorrow, I will take a shower, put on clean clothes, and maybe even put some earrings in. After that, I will do essential things like change my socks and underwear on a daily basis.

Or at the very least, I thought, I will change my shirt.

13 thoughts on “Post-Op Excuses

  1. I went back to read your op-story. You have been through a lot. Sometimes it is the little everyday things that create normalcy. Sometimes taking a shower and changing a shirt can be considered a success of a day. You do what you need to do to take care of yourself.

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  2. Such a relatable post to times when surgery saps the energy and robs the ability to care, temporarily at least, until we get it back. On the bright side, you can tell your doctor when he/she asks whether you’ve been taking it easy and not overdoing it – – in all honesty, “I haven’t lifted a finger……(or an arm)!” Feel better soon. It’s always the fresh-smelling soapy shower and the cottony clean clothes that bring me back around.

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  3. I know getting back to routine things can be important, but also take the time you need to heal physically and mentally. I rushed too quickly to get back to “normal” and I wish I would have taken more time to just be. Wishing you well ❤️

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  4. Love that your son notices, but… you get all the time you need to heal! If a shower feels good, then take that shower. And if taking that shower feels overwhelming, then give it another day. Sending you healing thoughts and gentle hugs.

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  5. While I’m one who admits to the power of a hot shower and fresh clothes, I’m also one who’s OK skipping when it feels right. I’m with the other commenters – do what makes you comfortable in your skin ❤

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