To All the Bored People

Wait a minute, what did you say? You’re bored? I don’t even know what that means. I’ve heard others say the same thing over the past year. I read an article the other day talking about how people’s brains aren’t as sharp right now because of the extended period boredom. But I can’t imagine what they are talking about.

All those bored people must not have children at home to play with. They must not have a puppy who needs to be walked and trained. They must not have baskets of laundry that manage to get washed but not folded. They must eat off paper plates every meal so that they don’t have a mountain of dishes overflowing from the sink onto the counters. They must not have their own children’s schooling to manage on top of the lessons they plan an teach for the children in their classes.

I bet it’s the bored people who have read all the books that were in their stack of books to read.

I bet it’s the bored people who have done all those house projects they always meant to do.

I be it’s the bored people who have tackled all those “someday” projects like organizing photos and files.

I’m not one of those bored people. I can’t imagine being one of those bored people. I’m trying to empathize, but really, being bored sounds really amazing!

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