Pandemic Pampering

Years ago my mom gave me the book “Babushka’s Beauty Secrets: Old World Tips for a Glamorous New You.” It’s been in the donation pile on more than one occasion, but something always made me take it out before the bag made it to the Good Will. At the time, I wasn’t sure why I couldn’t bring myself to part with it. I am not the spa-going type and have never spent much time on beauty treatments at home, either. And yet, I just couldn’t let the book go. I’m going to want this someday, I would always think to myself as I placed it back on the shelf. Well, someday finally arrived with the pandemic.

Over the past year, I’ve found that I’ve needed to show myself a little more TLC than I usually do. About once a month, when my husband and son are gone mountain biking, my twins and I have a spa day. We’ve tried several of Babushka’s recipes, but our favorites are the simple ones.

“Who wants to have a spa day?” I asked this morning. Both of my 6-year-old daughters eagerly agreed. The girls turned on the ukelele music while I got out our ingredients. We spread mashed banana over our faces (leaves your skin so soft!) and applied honey to our lips (eliminates all that flaky skin!). Then we laid down in the living room with cold cucumber slices on our eyes and for 15 peaceful minutes all was quiet and calm.

Other than when Waffles, our 1-year-old puppy, ate one of the girl’s cucumber slices. I’ve learned to slice a few extras for when that happens.

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