I Don’t Think You Get It

Dear Hubby,

I don’t think you get it, so I’m going to explain it one more time.  I WANT to go to this conference tomorrow.  I do not have to go, I want to go.  I asked my principal for permission to attend, he did not ask me to go. I created a presentation for one of the breakout sessions so that I could get free registration.  I convinced my coaching partner to come, too.  This was all my idea!

Yes, I want to get up at 5:45 so that I can make it there in time for the opening key-note speaker.  No, I do not want to leave early-there is a breakout session at the end of the day that I want to attend.  Yes, I want to go back on Saturday for the second day.  No, I am not getting paid extra for working on the weekend.

I’m sorry you have to get the kids to school by yourself in the morning–I know that isn’t easy.

I’m sorry you have to help my mom take our kids and the cousins to get the pictures taken that were rained out today–I know that won’t be a ton of fun.

I’m sorry you are on kid duty alone on Saturday–I know you need a break after being home with them since Wednesday.

However, I am still going.  Both days.  All day.  Because I want to.

Thanks for understanding.


The Teacher You Married

2 thoughts on “I Don’t Think You Get It

  1. I love this! The fact that you made this slice into a letter to your husband is perfect. The best part is that you signed it “the teacher you married.” All teachers understand exactly what you mean- especially the not being paid extra to go. Good for you for taking all of that initiative to present and encourage others to attend. Enjoy!


  2. This is fantastic! The truth and voice that sing throughout your piece are impressive through the tone of your piece. Now my question is: are you going to have him read this? Have fun at your conference. Good for you for standing your ground. We have to sometimes, huh?


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