A Letter to My Mini-Van

Dear Mini-Van,

It’s been over a year since you first joined our family, and I can’t imagine life without you now. It’s true that I didn’t want you in the beginning.  I clearly remember promising myself that I would never drive a mini-van. I certainly wouldn’t have chosen you, which makes me all the more grateful that you were gifted to us. But now I am proud to say, “MINI-VANS ARE AWESOME!”

Who else can transport three young children around peacefully because they are sitting far enough apart that they can’t touch each other?

Who else can taxi seven people and their luggage for a week to the airport?

Who else can fit an entire roll of paper towels in the console?

Who else has backseats that fold down flat to allow for hauling large items or sleeping in the truest sense of the term “car camping”?

Not only do you do all of those things, but you do it while consuming much less gas than any SUV with comparable seating capacity.

So as I’m sitting in your comfy bucket seat, my husband in the captain’s chair, my three kiddos spread far apart in the back, bikes in the trunk, I want to say thank you. Thank you for reminding me not to judge. Thank you for reminding me to be willing to change my mind. I’m sorry I didn’t want you. Thank you for being you in spite of me.

With love and respect,

A grateful mom


8 thoughts on “A Letter to My Mini-Van

  1. ❤ As soon as I saw the title, I knew I had to read this. I love our minivan! (It's a little embarrassing how much I love my minivan.) I was with you for every step of this slice – especially "fit an entire roll of paper towels in the console." Exactly! It is actually the perfect car for our family – kids, ski equipment, bikes, friends, plants, luggage, groceries – whatever. I honestly don't know what our family did before our minivan. Thanks for making me smile about this little part of my life by sharing yours.


  2. I enjoyed your ode to minivan. I have a little car that I love, but I found myself wishing for a larger vehicle when I got a new mattress that I need to drive two hours away. Fingers crossed I can fit it in the trunk if I put the seats down. There’s something to be said for having that extra space…wish me luck!


  3. I love the line about not judging. LOL We love our minivans so much that we are a little sad about the idea of downsizing even one of our vehicles. I can relate to everything you wrote in this post. The perfect reading for me today!


  4. I never drove one but my friends who did absolutely LOVED their mini vans. And I love that you wrote this love letter to that most important family member, the one who transports the whole lot!


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