
I noticed the box sitting in my parents’ kitchen when we went over there for dinner this afternoon.  The donuts dancing across the sides beckoned me and the scrolling letters across the top tempted me.  You deserve a donut.  But we were about to eat one of my favorite dinners, my mom’s lasagna, and as much as I love donuts, I didn’t want to ruin my appetite.  So I didn’t even peek in the box and soon forgot about it all together.image

After dinner I was rounding up the kiddos, making sure everyone had their shoes on  to go to my son’s baseball practice, when I noticed the box again.  This time, my dad was handing the box to my husband for us to bring home.  But I stopped myself from getting too excited, figuring there were probably just a couple of donuts in there for the kids.  By the time the van was loaded up, we were running late as usual, and I forgot about the box again.

When baseball practic finally ended, I once again found myself herding my offspring into the van, this time to head home.  As they settled into their seats, one of them noticed the donut box.  Pretty soon, a chorus of, “Donuts! Donuts!” filled the van.

“You might as well let them eat it now so that we can get into bed when we get home,” I told my husband.  He opened the box, took out a sugar twist, and broke it into three parts for the kids.  And that was when I saw that there were more than just a couple of donuts.  In fact, all my favorite were waiting for me in the beautiful brown and white box: old fashioned, chocolate glaze, apple fritter, sprinkles.  My mouth started watering just thinking about which one I would savor after everyone was in bed.

All through the bedtime routine, I had one thing on my mind.  While I layed quietly next to my girls as they fell asleep, I had one thing on my mind.  And as soon as I finish writing this story, I’ll be rewarded with the round, delicious delicacy known as a donut.  The only problem is, which one do I choose?


3 thoughts on “Donuts

  1. I’m impressed that you were only going to choose one! One of my students brought donuts for her birthday today and I kept thinking about them until recess time – wondering if there would be a chocolate frosted. Hope you enjoyed more than one!


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