Crisis Averted

Somewhere, somehow my husband figured out that the baby girls love Katy Perry.  So whenever they get really tired or upset (a.k.a. bedtime), we put Katy Perry music videos on the iPad.

ROAR!” As soon as the girls hear the tiger growl and the opening notes to Katy Perry’s hit song, all crying ceases and they become glued to the screen. Within a few moments,

little knees

start bending,

baby bottoms

start bobbing.

By the middle of the song, Baby A is turning circles and Baby B is clapping.  It truly is amazing and worth having Katy Perry stuck in my head for the rest of the night (and sometimes the next morning, too–sorry, officemates).

Last night, my son streaked into the living room after his bath, hooded towel flying behind him like a cape, hoping to get in on the dance party.

“What should we listen to next?” I asked to no one in particular, skimming the other similar songs listed down the side of the YouTube screen.

“Bubba Bass!” my son sang out, happily hopping around as he tried to dance and put on his pajama pants at the same time.

My husband and I laughed out loud.  I knew he was talking about Meghan Trainor’s song “All About the Bass,” so I put it on for him.  Soon he, too, was bobbing around the living room while my husband chased after him with the rest of his pajamas.  As the last of the music faded away, I scooped a girl up in each arm and headed towards my room while the boys headed towards my son’s room.  Soon the three kiddos were fast asleep and my husband and I were free for a few hours.  Bedtime crisis, once again, averted.  Thanks, Katy!

10 thoughts on “Crisis Averted

  1. This piece was so much fun! It made me want to be there in that moment having that much fun! I also really like the way you used a different form and use of space and line breaks to describe their movement during the song. So cool!


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